32 Tests - V34L
Factor XIII
DuplicαRealTime Factor XIII V34L Genotyping Kit is an in vitro diagnostic test for the detection by Real-Time PCR of the the Val34Leu polymorphism of the coagulation Factor XIII subunit A (FXIII-A; allelic variant g.6318795C>A) in human genomic DNA.
The main physiologic task of FXIIIa is fibrin cross-linking during the final steps of blood coagulation to increase clot mechanical strength against fibrinolysis. Physiologic FXIIIa substrates belong to different categories, from the coagulation and fibrinolytic system, to the adhesive proteins involved into the assembling of extracellular matrix (ECM), to the contractile/cytoskeletal proteins. In addition, FXIIIA-subunit is thought to function in various processes involving cell proliferation and tissue remodelling.
A FXIIIA polymorphism (FXIII V34L) has been described as increasing the activity and modifying the cross-linking properties of FXIII conferring protection against thrombosis and predisposition to intracerebral haemorrhage.
- Val34Leu polymorphism of the coagulation Factor XIII subunit A (FXIII-A; allelic variant g.6318795C>A) in human genomic DNA
- Internal Control (IC)
Diagnostic samples:
- Peripheral whole blood samples collected in EDTA
DNA Extraction:
Compatible with the most common DNA Extraction and Purification Systems
Real-Time PCR instruments:
Compatible with the most common Real-Time PCR Systems