quanty West Nile Virus
CE Mark

48 Tests
quanty West Nile Virus
The quanty WNV system is a quantitative test that allows the RNA amplification in Real Time PCR, of the 3’UTR region of West Nile Virus (WNV), discriminating it from Usutu Virus, also belonging to the Flavivirus family and closely related to WNV.
The Procedure allows the detection and quantification of the RNA target by means a One step retro-amplification reaction. The analysis of the results is made using a Real Time PCR analyzer (thermal cycler integrated with a system for fluorescence detection and a dedicated software).
- 3’UTR region of West Nile Virus (WNV)
- Internal Control (IC)
Standard for quantification:
- synthetic RNA corresponding to 3’UTR region of WNV 100.000 cps/µL
- synthetic RNA corresponding to 3’UTR region of WNV 10.000 cps/µL
- synthetic RNA corresponding to 3’UTR region of WNV 1.000 cps/µL
- synthetic RNA corresponding to 3’UTR region of WNV 100 cps µL
Diagnostic samples:
- Serum
- Urine
Real-Time PCR instruments:
- Applied Biosystems 7500 Fast (ThermoFisher SCIENTIFIC)
- LightCycler® 480 Real-Time PCR System (Roche)
- Rotor-Gene Q MDx (RG-Q MDx - QIAGEN)
RNA Extraction:
Manual Extraction with:
- QIAmp Viral RNA Mini Kit (QIAGEN)
Automatic Extraction with:
- EZ1 Advanced XL (QIAGEN)
- QIAsymphony SP (QIAGEN)