48 test
Available for QiaSymphony SP/AP - Ref. QS-24
quanty JCV
The quanty JCV system is an in vitro diagnostic test for identification and quantification of JC virus genome, by Real-Time PCR.
The John Cunningham (JC) virus is a common and usually harmless virus but it can be dangerous in case of a compromised immune system. It settles in your urinary tract, bone marrow, tonsils, or brain. It can stay there for years, and most people never know they have it. In people with very weak immune systems, the virus can bring on a serious brain infection called progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML). PML damages the outer coating of nerve cells. People with HIV/AIDS are most at risk for PML. Those with Hodgkin's disease, leukemia, lymphoma, rheumatoid arthritis, or organ transplants are also at risk. PML has been linked also to the drug used to treat Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and Crohn's disease. Quantitative JC virus Real-Time PCR test represents an indispensable diagnostic tool to recognize and monitoring this infection.
- VP2 region of JC virus genome
- Internal Control (IC)
Standard for quantification:
- Synthetic DNA corresponding to the target region (100.000 cps/µL - 100 cps/µL)
Diagnostic samples:
- Blood EDTA
- Plasma EDTA
- Liquor (CSF)
- Urine
Real-Time PCR instruments:
- Applied Biosystems 7500 Fast (ThermoFisher SCIENTIFIC)
- LightCycler® 480 Real-Time PCR System (Roche)
- Rotor-Gene Q MDx (RG-Q MDx - QIAGEN)
- CFX96 Real-Time PCR Detection System (Bio-Rad)
Versant kPCR AD (Siemens)
DNA Extraction:
Manual Extraction with:
- QIAmp DNA mini kit (QIAGEN)
Automatic Extraction with:
- EZ1 Advanced XL (QIAGEN)
- QIAsymphony SP (QIAGEN)